Sunday, February 14, 2010

Yellow Submarine Toys How Many Of You Remember This Enid Blyton Classic......?

How many of you remember this Enid Blyton classic......? - yellow submarine toys

Noddy favorite child received a digital face-lift and a new range of vehicles, its 60th Birthday with a return on British television celebrating.

The little man with the red and yellow car will be handed the keys to a helicopter, truck and U-boats.

However, fans of the original series should not be afraid, when he his return in five of the next week.

Despite the current computer-animated Noddy and his friends saw Toy origin.

Program officials said they wanted to return the new series, Noddy in Toyland, to the vision of the developer Enid Blyton a place that gives the toy to life.

With his usual companion, Tessie Bear, Dog and damaged the car, Noddy will explore some of the less experiencedreas of Toy Town.

Some new faces are introduced, including Whiz, clean, methodical robot who runs a garage and his apprentice, Linda Berry, a fairy tale. ...

Noddy got Ooohh, now with his truck and under water!

As you can see the traditional programs for children want to remake?


Jessica Rabbit said...

It is not the same!
There will be no big ears (offensive) or Gollywog) (offensive.
Son, I loved Enid Blyton pound AA Mallory Towers loved!
Worzel Gummidge I'd love to see remake or Renta Ghost!
Oh, and Supegran!

Michael © CE Freedom Party. said...

Wot no mention of "Big Ears"? ....... or should be renamed the "Charles"?

Without doubt, the video game version of the helicopter, a ship and submarine weapons were nuclear weapons.

The stories of these children are classics, as you say, and is a farce to try to update.

Anyway, always the PC versions of the originals.

Tui said...

Enid Blyton is being metaphorically raped, probably when it comes to a remake. This was done, the written word. All TV productions of this work was insipid and weak.

Hatters said...

Having long and hard about it, I decided to Worzel Gummidge.

Noddy What does ch-ching! for me.

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