Friday, February 12, 2010

Swimmingpool In Walthamstow I Have Brought A 12ft Swimmingpool And Am Thinking About Buying A Heater Off Ebay For It Are They Worth Buying

I have brought a 12ft swimmingpool and am thinking about buying a heater off ebay for it are they worth buying - swimmingpool in walthamstow

Make a big difference


DIY Doc said...

No offense intended at all, but a heated pool May, where they are dependent. If you lived here in South FL Wesy I find the water in the pool will distribute as bathwater.

It is also on how early in the year that want to open a pool dependent, and since they do not indicate that concerns 12 meters, I'm not taking too much.

I am a buyer and the bay, for many reasons, both OK and disappointing. Without knowing all the hot water (you the link for details on age, again without knowing, new and used, and if your pool is 12 meters in diameter and 3 feet deep? Etc.. Would have been involved, assume that any We can give a realistic response.

I also assume that where you live, the sun shines at a certain time? It may be TIf the problem is that swimming in the night? Perhaps you live in Anchorage?

Is it worth buying too,,,, in a general sense that my heated? Or is it more relevant to your question, it is worth taking a certain level of comfort you feel good with most in the sense of a group of soft, or more like a bathtub?

Steven Wolf
Just my two "sense"
36 years owner of a pool

countryb... said...

Have you thought about going solar, significantly less expensive in the long run. You have this reading:

Solar heating Solar heating is by solar collectors, a fluid heating system in its move at the time of use, and a reservoir for heat exists. The systems can be used to hot water, pool water or heating. If you live in the southern half of the United States or in a sunny spot to save between 50% and 80% could be used for hot water through the application of solar energy for water heating. The first price is high, but depending on how you use it, the system can only be restored in five years. The yield is higher when you factor in rebates and offer incentives of states and municipalities.

Bardic said...

Just remember that this is a much more water hot enough to make a big difference - your meter supersonic. The other thing is of course that you are not the quality or safety of some of e-bay knows, it could be, or could even be fatal, especially if second hand.

Bridge May, his useful, can be removed during the day, so that the water absorbs heat from the sun and covered at night to the heat.

brian_su... said...

Hello. I guess you have one of the "Easy Up Pools Argos' or something similar?
I bought one of these had complete with heater and filter as a friend a few years. The typical size is 3 kW heating. Slightly warmer during the great British summer has been so far, I have the maximum of 3 days (Monday to Saturday) barby ready for a family Sunday. This will increase the temperature of 10 ° C, 15 to 25 It was still "cold", though. A heater 3 kW is the same as the firepower of a standard 3-bar in the lounge!
What my "friends neglected to remember" that it was his bill, is only 250 pounds for the quarter! There are some water 5000lt a 12 'x 3' pool and a large amount of warming. If the water is heated,Chlorine gas 'off', if we have more chemicals. See how much it will cost too much water (if you) in a subway. You should carefully consider the chemical equilibrium to prevent the water on them for the season!
I juggled with the idea of installing a solar panel on the wall to the south to help you.
We live in a (relatively) sunny Essex, so it can work.
Good luck!

big daddy said...

Why U want your pool or hot water if they want to take a bath

boy boy said...

do in a pool of 12 foot, hot-tap head on the other side

greg l said...

If my uncle has one, and before it became a water heater freeze, but I have a fully equipped kitchen and comfortable to swim in

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