Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mottled Skin Rash Arms Has Your Baby-child- Ever Had An Allergic Reaction To Amoxil[penicillin] How Did The Rash Look?

Has your baby-child- ever had an allergic reaction to amoxil[penicillin] how did the rash look? - mottled skin rash arms

It itches?
everything was finished?
How soon after starting treatment is not listed?
What color is dark red, pink?
do not itch?

My baby started high-nite Saturday to Monday to Dr. take amoxil prescribed by your
Wednesday started an outbreak of pink in the face and arms, chest and back, almost all
shes not scratch disagree bumpy that only the skin is mottled pink
I have not been to the doctor today to check-out
He said it can continue its Amoxil, May, or simply because the virus, the temperature and asked me, Amoxil,
u have to do the decisive factor is the amoxil or a virus?

shes otherwise healthy,itchyness no, no cough, runny nose, or Temp

the only reason I was put on antibiotics cos increased its temperature, which was a red throat

Sounds like an allergic reaction? Thanks


Charli Mamma Di Gemini's said...

Tobias is the cheapest allergic to certain antibiotics. He was there about 12 months when Amoxil did not work. It inflates like a balloon in the stomach. Then he turned purple. I thought I had meningitis.
I could hardly breathe, move or. Believe me here if you are allergic, you know.

I can also say that leaving the cold in circulation right now, anyone with a skin rash. Half of my friends. The kindergarten is almost empty because of it. I know he comes to the side of Bass Strait.

MomX's2 said...

Yes, it looks like the rash my daughter has fallen. She is allergic to amoxicillin and not very high. He began moving in the lower half of his body and upwards. The dr. told us it was good, did you take your child immediately and get it checked out. Good luck ... From a small dose of Benadryl (I w / my kids! =)

leavemea... said...

It seems that your baby is infected with rubella virus. 2 to 3 days with high fever with a rash all over my body, which is small, followed with pink dots and the whole body. The outbreak began on Day 3 as probably the fever and began probably continue over the head or trunk and outwards. Roseola do not appear sick baby really works, when the effects of fever and rash. My two children and they have had to your doctor complete a childhood virus most often. It is also harmless, unless that is done all too often guilty of an antibiotic for the manufacture of the child responsible, decisive. My doctor explained that roseola was presented with high fever so the doctor prescribed antibiotics and the only way to know, roseolaA, and not is a different virus when the rash appears. To see so many parents and physicians, the rash and allergies. In any case it is Roseola your baby is actually much better now that the rash appeared, and the rash will disappear in a few days and everything is fine again. From the perspective of the mother, but the rash looks terrible, is not it? Good Luck

leighshi... said...

(I'm not a doctor, but ...), if you do not scratch no difficulty in breathing and, it probably is not an allergic reation. Most allergic reactions or as a result, an itchy skin rash or breathing problems.

and there are good chances that could have caused the epidemic of skin / red rose.

Nika said...

Yes, that was my youngest son, amoxicillin, when he was five and that, when we realized that they are allergic.

At first it seemed as if he had chickenpox. There were raised red welts all over his body. I mean, even the eyelids and lips. No scratches on them, but seriously inconvenient. There was also a little sluggish, but I remember him with a fever.

He thought he was suddenly on his way to school when the rash broke out. When she got there, "said the manager with him to send me to the doctor, because if the c. Smallpox, which should go anyway. It was penicillin. The doctor said it was luck that brought me and told me that would be worse the next time, much worse.

Hope this helps you, your child, bWell.

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